Join us at MLA 2024 for a Social Justice Pedagogy Panel on “Mutual Transformation”

The Margaret Fuller Society is sponsoring a panel on “Mutual Transformation: The Social Justice Classroom in the Nineteenth Century and Today,” organized by the MFS Racial Justice Committee. The presider for the panel will be Dr. Christina Katopodis (City University of New York), co-author with Cathy N. Davidson of The New College Classroom (Harvard UP, 2022). We have an exciting lineup of panel presentations:

“From Self-Reliance to Self-Care: Transcendentalism and Social Justice in the Classroom,” Jess Libow (Haverford C) 

“Breath-taking Pedagogy and the Practice of Hope: Course Design and Teaching a BLM Literature Course,” Shermaine Jones (Virginia Commonwealth U)

“Fuller-Inspired Conversations on School Curriculum Battles and Wheatley-Linked Public Humanities,” Sarah Ruffing Robbins (TCU)

“A Mind Afire: Marie Duclos Fretageot and a Forgotten Frontier of American Progressive Education,” Diane Baia Hale (Independent Scholar) 

Featured image via Hidden City

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